Music of Transparent Means was an evolving minimalist ensemble of up to 21 players led by Alex Carpenter, active in Adelaide from 2002-2007. “Chord…” is a beautiful archival release from this time, recorded live in 2007, not long before Carpenter relocated to New York.
Big engulfing waves of music here, packing both an emotional and sonic punch with just a few intervals, but huge on texture and detail. I suppose it’s minimalism, or maxilimalism as well? Jon Dale’s liner notes sum it up as “joyous sensory over-stimulation…a kind of blissful, obliterated exhaustion…quite simply, a head-fucking blast to listen to and swim through”.
Also available is Carpenter’s solo “Excavation Patterns”, recorded a few years early and recently reissued on vinyl as well.
Use the code MUSIC for 10% off all Carpenter-related releases (expires 25 July 2022).
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