One might say that Warren Burt needs no introduction, however given Australia’s propensity for cultural amnesia (particularly concerning music), let’s not take that for granted: Warren Burt has been a constant force in the world of Australian experimental music since his arrival from the USA in the mid-1970s. Educator, organiser, composer, performer, writer, advocate, mentor; Burt’s contribution to contemporary music in this country is immeasurable.
His recorded output is just as extensive; constantly challenging and pushing towards new forms and discoveries. His work with justly-intonated tuning forks stands out for me for its other-worldly beauty. “The Animation of Lists and the Archytan Transpositions” 2CD is a recording I regularly return to. The alunimium forks Burt uses are tuned to a 19 note scale derived from ancient modes created by Ptolemy. The overtones and harmonics created by the ringing tones of these forks ring around your room, completely enveloping you in their soundworld. This is perhaps Burt’s most astounding recorded achievement, and given his massive output, that gives you an idea just how special this is.
And listen here to a recent special programme on Burt and his music.
Use the code BURT for 10% off all Burt-related releases (expires 18 July 2022).
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