**Pre-order: Shipping April 2025**
A mysterious folio of sonic snapshots, as much recaptured as composed, by Jon Dale’s project, Moth, in Adelaide in the late ’90s and early ’00s. We’re invited to tune in to these liminal frequencies, to observe and inhabit them, and relish the glowing sensual overdrive of their manifestation.
From the ready means and at-handedness of guitar, amp, and tape, a congruous but diverse selection of unnamed tracks emerge – musical moments borrowed from oblivion with the as yet unfulfilled good intention of returning them. Their sounds evoke abstract polaroids of winter seascapes flecked with spare, brittle detail, or the scaly-winged flutterings of elusive nocturnal insects. Here, a homely hum like a vacuum cleaner on sunny childhood’s weekend morning; there, suburban power lines buzzing gently in the mist. The last track of Last Blues is like a reverent vision of lava-flow for harmonium, the slow-motion eruption of a single chord, which echoes in the mind for hours. Last Blues comes from somewhere that doesn’t exist anymore, and shows us something that may never have happened there.
“Jon Dale collapses old dichotomies (such as organic vs. inorganic and heavy vs. light) into a pure horizon of tone with only guitar and a little harmonium. Sonically, it makes me think of a middle point between if Organum snuck into the studio to remix Glenn Branca, and what I imagine the electric synapses firing off in Raymond Roussel’s brain would’ve sounded like if committed to wax cylinder. Which is to say, it sounds rad.” – Ben Chasny, Six Organs Of Admittance
Limited edition of 150 CDs housed in 4 panel digipack. Reissue of sold-out LP.